039 - Jizz Bull
12.12.2022 71 min Pede Halfmann & André von der Weiden
Zusammenfassung & Show Notes
Heute starten wir mit einem "Bitte nicht Nachmachen Intro"! Wobei ich bezweifle dass es überhaupt ein Intro gibt welches man Nachmachen sollte... Ansonsten wird es heute seeeehr musikalisch! Checkt die Shownotes!!!
Liebe Grüße von euren zwei Schwafelbrüdern!
Liebe Grüße von euren zwei Schwafelbrüdern!
Songtext zum Intro
"Rusty Cage - The new knife game song"
"Rusty Cage - The new knife game song"
There is an old tradition, a game we all can play
You start by getting liquored up and sharpening your blade
You take a shot of whiskey, you grab your knife and pray
And spread apart your fingers, and this is what you say
"Oh, I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop, chop, chop
If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off
And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out
But all the same, I play this game 'cause that's what it's all about"
No, you can't use a pencil, you cannot use a pen
The only way is with a knife when danger is your friend
And some may call it stupid, some may call it dumb
But all the same, we play this game because it's so damn fun
Oh, I have all my fingers, the knife goes chop, chop, chop
If I miss the spaces in between, my fingers will come off
And if I hit my fingers, the blood will soon come out
But all the same, I play this game 'cause that's what it's all about
Oh, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, chop, I'm picking up the speed
And if I hit my fingers, then my hand will start to bleed
Chabos wissen wer der Babo ist (Jazz/Swing Cover)
Joe Satriani - Summer Song
Cutting Crew - Died in your arms
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